We supply energy. Permanently reliable, sustainable and efficient. And we’ve been doing so for more than 30 years. Whether private customer, company or public sector, we have the right solution for everyone.
Our promise to you
At LuxEnergie you will be advised by highly qualified employees and accompanied from the idea to the successful implementation of your project.
In doing so, we focus on the interplay of proven and future-oriented technology, with the main focus on cost efficiency and sustainability.

We are convinced that Energy Contracting will contribute significantly to the success of the energy transition. That is why we accept the challenge of finding cost-effective, sustainable and technically innovative solutions for energy demand.
We believe that, thanks to our many years of experience and the expertise of our employees, our goal of exclusive use of renewable energy sources by 2050 can be achieved.
Good reasons for choosing LuxEnergie as your energy supplier
At LuxEnergie, we are:
- responsible – The use of renewable energies is our concern.
- innovative – We develop appropriate concepts in line with the energy and climate policy goals.
- reliable – Short reaction times, redundancy of systems, regular maintenance, high security, turnkey service, employees with expert knowledge. We are always there for you.
- efficient – We are always seeking the most ecological and economical solution for our customers.
- solid – We are a stable and financially strong Luxembourg company.

Responsibility for the environment
We have set ourselves the goal of preserving nature. Because only a consistent focus towards sustainable management will ensure the future and create added value for all those involved: for customers, employees, and the environment.
We want to use fossil fuels responsibly. For this reason, it is particularly important to us to use fuels in our plants effectively.
In recent years, we have significantly promoted the use of biomass in our plants and we will continue to do so.
Renewable energies have been used in new plants from the very beginning. In addition, we have converted many of the plants that were previously supplied with fossil fuels to renewables.
For example, the Kirchberg Plateau heat network became green in 2017 because we invested in a new biomass-fired combined heat and power plant. This conversion alone can save 22,000 t / CO2 annually.
We therefore actively contribute to environmental protection by reducing the consumption of primary energy and CO2 emissions through the appropriate technologies. This is possible thanks to increased efficiency of the systems – the most important and at the same time indispensable prerequisite for ensuring our future quality of life.
… and, of course, we constantly are committed to finding further new approaches that make use of innovative energy systems.
The development of the company
The rapid development of the Kirchberg Plateau at the end of the 1980s required congruent planning of the energy supply and urban development.
Therefore, the companies Paul Wurth, Luxconsult, Omnitec and the “Stadtwerke Saarbrücken” joined forces and formed a working group to carry out a feasibility and economic study with regard to the construction and operation of an independent energy system on the Kirchberg Plateau. Based on the results of the working group, the decision was taken to establish a company to promote cogeneration in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: LuxEnergie.
19-07-1990Foundation of LuxEnergie by the Luxembourg State, the Fonds du Kirchberg, Cegedel-Participations S.A., Surré S.A., Paul Wurth S.A., Escolux S.A.
Takeover of the company Escolux S.A.
Staff 7 -
14-08-1997The State and Fonds du Kirchberg transfer their shares to Cegedel Participations
Staff 7 -
13-07-2004Foundation of the company Airport-Energy S.A. together with the "Société de l'Aéroport du Luxembourg S.A." (LuxAirport)
03-07-2008Foundation of the company DataCenterEnergie S.A. (DCE) together with the company LuxConnect S.A.
Foundation of the company KIOWATT S.A. together with the company WOODPAR S.A., which belongs to the François group
Integral takeover of the shares of Surré S.A.
Staff >50 -
Staff > 70 -
Commissioning of the Kiowatt production facility
First test wood gasifier is installed by LuxEnergie in Strassen
Inauguration of the new biomass combined heat and power plant in Kirchberg
Commissioning of the new plant with wood gasifiers in Bettembourg
First Plug & Heat+ is installed in Findel
Staff 100 -
Commissioning of the biomass cogeneration plant in Strassen. Together with three other existing plants, it supplies an efficient heat network (75% of the heat is produced from biomass) that extends from Strassen to Limpertsberg.